1- 1ml pen with brush tip applicator with out premium whitening gel. Each syringe can service 1-2 clients depending on technician use per client. (You may choose from 1 pen or a 3pack)
Perfectly balanced, perfect consistency, formulated in a lab with the help of dental professionals, our HP based gels are ALWAYS MADE FRESH at the time of order & features grapefruit seed extract which has been found to deter periodontal disease, gingivitis, & helps lessen sensitivity
Gel: 28% HP
28% Gel is not to be used throughout the entire session due to the possibility of increased sensitivity!
(p.s. our premium whitening gels use a moderate-high percentage of whitening agent, vitamin e-swabs alone will not protect your clients gums. A gingival barrier must be used!)
must be kept refrigerated, all gels are shipped out with a cold pack.